It is quite common for couples to face fertility issues. It is also said that 15% of the population deals with matters of such nature.
When we say infertility, we mean the impossibility of conception, after a year of very frequent and free intercourse. Nevertheless, science keeps evolving, and as a result, infertility is no longer an unknown field for doctors and couples.
It is true that it might regard both women as well as men. When a couple decides to take advantage of the specialty of assisted reproduction, the following must be valid:
- The couple must be trying to conceive for at least 12 consecutive months, but when a woman is over 36 the same period is deteriorated to 6 to 8 months.
- History of Miscarriages.
- Frequency of sexual intercourse, every two or three days during a month.
Women infertility: why?
Conception becomes reality when ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus are in a healthy condition. There are many factors able to distort the procedure of human reproduction, such as:
- distortion in the function or approachability of fallopian tubes (endo- pelvic commissure, chronic infections, hydrothorax)
- distortion of ovulation
- premature ovary deficiency
- endometriosis
- polycystic ovaries syndrome
- hypothalamic dysfunction
- prolactin hyperproduction
- congenital malfunctions of the uterus
- other factors or everyday habits, such as smoking, stress, fatigue, being underweight.
In general, when a couple fails to conceive after a year of regular sexual contacts, they are considered infertile and they should consult a specialist in fertility issues.