It is an invasive surgical method in the organs placed under the abdomens, which is performed with a tiny camera placed through the navel in an incision of 1 cm. It is performed with general anesthesia and usually there are two to four incisions ranging from 0,5-1 cm on the skin , depending on the type. (Diagnostic or invasive). The incisions on the skin are stapled endodermically, (plastic stitching) and the tiny scars vanish shortly.
Laparoscopy enables full control of inner abdomen organs, including not only inner genitalia but also the other internal organs of the human body such as liver, intestines and gallbladder.
Laparoscopy has many advantages in comparison to open surgeries, such as a much more superior aesthetic result, minimal post surgical pain, very little time spent in hospital ranging from a few hours to one day in most of the cases, and returning back to routine very fast. The most important advantage of laparoscopy though, will always be the surgical accuracy through which operations are performed, and the almost no trauma tissue, ensuring security and effectiveness of procedures, minimizing the risk of symphysis.
The only prerequisite for all of the above is having laparoscopy performed by an experienced surgical group using contemporary equipment.
It is the examination of the inner part of the cervix and the uterus, using a tiny camera which is inserted through the vagina and the cervix. This way we have a clear, very precise and credible image, more than any other method, (such as an ultrasound, MRI, etc). If there is any pathological situation (hyperplasia, polypus, symphysis etc), we can perform treatment during diagnosis. (Invasive hysteroscopy).
Hysteroscopy is performed with light general anesthesia, and staying at the clinic ranges from one to 24 hours depending on the case.